Friday, March 17, 2023

Tristan Dineen Author Interview

Originally appeared at

A little introduction.

Hello all! I’m Tristan Dineen, author of the Falhorne series of dark fantasy novels. I’m an ESL teacher based in Canada, at least when the nether realms of my imagination aren’t calling me away.

When did your love of books begin?

Deep in the mists of time. I was obsessed with Robin Hood and King Arthur as a kid and those stories ultimately led me to Tolkien.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I read The Hobbit in sixth grade and that basically did it – I wanted to be a writer. It still took me until my 30s to actually write my first novel, but the seed was planted. The vividness of Middle Earth was spellbinding and I started designing my own fantasy worlds.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Getting started as an independent author was a challenging process. I was lucky to be part of a local genre-fiction group of authors, most of whom were self-published, who welcomed me into their circle even though I hadn’t yet published anything myself. Marian Thorpe, author of the Empire’s Daughter series, played a mentorship role for me and I doubt the Falhorne series would have seen the light of day without her kind assistance.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Passion is a beautiful thing. It will carry you far. But you’ll need to build connections with other authors too. You don’t have to do this alone and it will be far easier if you don’t try to!

Tell us about your book/books:

The Falhorne series consists of two books – Falhorne: The World is Burning (Book 1) and Falhorne: Dark Dawn (Book 2) – that chronicle the epic quest of Tagus, an aging warrior struggling to rescue his people from servitude in a deeply unjust society. In the process of confronting the brutal feudal authorities that rule the land of Vinos, he uncovers an ancient evil that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. Tagus is a Falhorne, one of the few surviving members of a once mighty military order dedicated to defending the followers of the Elder Gods from persecution at the hands of church and state. Aided by a mixed bag of unlikely companions, he finds that he can wield the powers of his eldritch forebears with a talent unmatched in centuries, but will it be enough to defeat the insatiable appetite of He Who Thirsts?

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Writing is often a lonely process of grinding your manuscript out. Without support and encouragement from fellow authors and beta-readers, that loneliness can easily become unbearable. Community makes writing possible and I’m seriously grateful for all the support I’ve received.

If you could say anything to your readers, what would it be?

Being a new name on the scene is a challenging thing, thank you for giving myself and my world a chance.

Where can people connect with you?

I’m on Twitter @tristan_dineen (which is where it’s easiest to connect with me)

People can go to my blog at for links to all my work and other social media accounts.

They can also reach me by email at



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